Spirit Mgt is a multi-dimensional firm like no other … proven successful … based on 43 years expertise and several thousand hours of research on a wide range of subjects. This expertise is now being made available to the general public to provide the counsel you need to make wise decisions regarding your housing, your health and your emergency preparedness for the days and months ahead.

Our Real Estate expertise has been achieved by marketing and managing thousands of homes nationwide. When real estate markets were difficult was called on by Fortune 500 companies, traveling to 25 states, to sell their relocating employees’ homes. Later developed a program that helped sell their employees’ homes for more than appraised value.

Our Comprehensive Market Analyses along with our Aggressive and Creative Marketing Programs have helped clients maximize the value of their home – achieving higher prices as compared to similar competing properties.

Our attention to detail has helped clients identify and avoid the problem of purchasing a home in a poor location or that could have resulted in expensive repairs.

And now we are announcing the Spirit Mgt Nationwide Home Marketing Program where we can assist clients throughout all 50 states on how to select the best agent, with accurate pricing, recommended improvements, creative marketing and on-going follow-up advice to result in a higher sale price and a peace of mind knowing all details are handled in their best interests.

Our Healthy Homes & Schools division can help you avoid the health problems from the Radiation from Cell Phones, Cell Towers, Smart Meters, Wireless Devices, Dirty Electricity and much more.

You should know a “SMART METER” can devastate your health – it devastated mine. And now Ameren has a plan to install a “SMART METER” on your home.

Natural Radiation has always been with us and if it was water, it would cover the earth to the depth of a piece of paper. However Man-Made Radiation which has been with us about 30 years would cover the earth to a depth 100 light years past the sun. And it’s going get a lot more intense as 5G is implemented.

It is crucial to your health and that of your loved ones to reduce your Radiation exposure. Click on Healthy Homes & Schools tab to learn how.

Health Coach

I learned many years ago that I had to be responsible for my own health. I could not just blindly follow what any one doctor or Big pharma said was best for me.

I learned the importance of eating a healthy organic diet, the necessity of taking extra vitamins and minerals as well as exercising.

I learned that Big Pharma funds the medical schools and they determine what is taught and their incentive is to make more money - not to help us be healthy.

I also learned that 36 diseases have more than doubled since about 1990. Our genes have not changed, what has changed is the toxins that have been placed in our food and water and the Radiation we are exposed to from all our electronic devices.

Click on Health Coach tab to learn more.

Emergency Management

No one knows when a natural disaster may strike or what effects the current droughts will have on our food supply or if some of those who are entering our country illegally are coming to attack us.

It is only prudent to take wise steps to prepare for difficult times so we can minimize the impact of any such problem on our families and our neighbors. Click on Emergency management tab for more details.

The Committee to Restore America 912

It is wonderful to have a home where you can raise your family in an atmosphere of love and peace.

It is important to know how to avoid toxins in your food, water and environment so you can live a healthy lifestyle.

But if we have forgotten God we can no longer expect to enjoy the freedoms our Founding Fathers (men and women) fought and died for.

America became the strongest most prosperous nation the world has ever seen - because from our very inception America was dedicated to serving God. That is not to gloss over our faults but from our founding people tried to follow God's Commandments.

Sadly we have become a nation that has rejected God. We've told God we don't need you and in so doing we have lost His Blessings and His Protection. That is why we are experiencing economic problems, crime and turmoil which will only increase in the days ahead.

9/11 should have been a wake-up call to turn back to God. 9/12 should have been a day of repentance. It should have been a day to start praying and working to  Restore America to its Christian and Moral Foundation.  Instead we went back to our normal way of life.

Join with me in prayer and action to help save America for our children and our children's children. Click on The Committee to Restore America 912 tab to learn how.