What You Are Eating Can Make You Sick, Very Sick … The Dangers of GMO’s


"A single corn kernel coated with a neonicotinoid [i.e. Roundup] can kill a song bird. Even a tiny grain of wheat or canola treated with the ...neonicotinoid... can fatally poison a bird." The report is from the American Bird Conservancy and refers to a relatively new class of insecticides that have become the most commonly used in the world, with several hundred products approved for use in the U.S. – ABCBirds.org/abcprograms/policy/toxins


... the words of Rachel Carson, written in Silent Spring. "These... non selective chemicals have the power to kill every insect, the 'good' and the 'bad,' to still the songs of the birds and the leaping fish...”


“Roundup does so much more than kill plant pests. It wipes out beneficial plants of all sorts: food crops, fruits in the orchard, flowers in the garden, in fact anything that is green. Most of these are not pests or weeds. Among the beneficial plants it destroys is milkweed, on which monarch butterflies depend. The massive use of Roundup in the U.S. has destroyed so much milkweed that monarch butterflies are now at risk of extinction.” – CenterForFoodSafety.org


Monarch conservation is important for many reasons. First, conserving and creating monarch habitat will help many of our pollinators. Every third bite of food we eat comes to our table courtesy of a pollinator. Monarchs, bees and many other pollinators share much of the same habitat—so what happens to monarchs, happens to other pollinators. … We need to protect all of our pollinators—the many bees, birds, bats, and other insects that provide us with pollinator-services and ultimately put food on our table.” – Candy Sarikonda Importance of Monarch Conservation MonarchWatch.org 1/24/2014


Honeybees are dying. Bees fed a small amount of Glyphosate an ingredient in Roundup resulted in one-third of them dying and 1,461 changes in their genes. – Jeffrey Smith             ResponsibleTechnology.org


University of Pittsburgh researchers who a decade ago tested how Roundup might impact frogs in ponds. ... summarized their results: "The most striking result from the experiments was that a chemical designed to kill plants killed 98 percent of tad poles within three weeks and 79 percent of all frogs within one day." – News.Pitt.edu/news/Roundup


“in March 2015, the World Health Organization's (WHO's) cancer authorities -- the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) -- determined that glyphosate is "probably carcinogenic to humans" based on multiple lines of evidence: kidney, pancreatic and other tumors in glyphosate-treated test animals; epidemiology studies showing higher rates of cancer in farmers that used glyphosate; and research showing that glyphosate damages chromosomes, one mechanism by which cancer is induced. So Roundup is a butterfly killer, a frog killer and potentially an infant and adult human killer.” –  NaturalNews.com


Poison in Soy. There is “abundant evidence” soy caused problems in “estrogen sensitive tissues” – women’s breasts, reproductive organs and might be toxic to the thyroid, testicular cancer, infertility, prostate cancer – pg 68, 69.*


Poison in Corn. Bt toxin in corn kills insects by opening holes in the walls of their intestines. It has the same impact on humans. – Jeffrey Smith author of “Seeds of Deception”


Poison in Milk. – pg 98-102*

  • Cows injected with rBST or rBGH causes an increase in cystic ovaries and disorders of the uterus, clinical mastitis (an udder infection that causes cows to pump out bacteria and pus along with the milk). Milk comes from many dairies and are all mixed together.

  • Cows on rBGH live about two years after receiving the drug. Cows not on rBGH live four to ten years.

  • The British paper “The Lancet” reported in 1998 women who received small increase of IGF-1 were up to seven times more likely to develop breast cancer (rBGH milk has up to ten times the IGF-1 levels of natural milk).


Poison in Kids Vitamins and Cereals.

  • Flintstone Vitamins include GMOs, Aspartame, aluminum, cupric oxide (classified as a hazardous substance by the EU). – Dr Joel Fuhrman

  • BHT is placed in cereals to extend shelf life and has been linked to cancer in animal studies. – Vani Hari - www.FoodBabe.com


Poison in Aspartame (also known as NutraSweet and Equal). – pg 162-165*

  • Aspartame in diet Coke, Yoplait yogurt and much more is linked to brain tumors, brain lesions and lymphoma.

  • Aspartame might be responsible for a dramatic increase in brain tumors, memory lapses, weight gain (41% increase in risk of being overweight for every can of diet soda a person drinks every day), lymphoma, leukemia and other cancers including kidney cancer.

  • 92% (82 of 90) of the studies funded by non Aspartame industry identified problems with Aspartame, while 100% of the studies funded by the Aspartame industry said Aspartame was safe.


More Roundup Being Applied. MoTop of Form

Bottom of Form

"Before biotech came on the market, we had one airplane in the county to do all the aerial spraying," said McAllister. "Now they bring in seven or eight. We've got the same acreage of crops. They're just spraying more." He added that he's seen a rise in the number of children with autism, allergies and cancer around his hometown of Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Most of the air and rain samples recently collected in Iowa as part of a study contained glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup. “Weeds resistant to 2,4-D are already popping up. Charles Benbrook, professor at the Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources at Washington State University estimates that if 2,4-D-resistant corn is released, use of the chemical compound will increase 30-fold by 2019 from 2000 totals.” - Pesticide Use Proliferating With GMO Crops 10/18/2012 HuffingtonPost.com  [Note 2,4-D corn has just been approved for use in Missouri and eight other states.]


Mainstream media totally compromised, refuses to cover massive global uprising against Monsanto. Today, only the Independent Media covers the truth about Monsanto, GMOs and glyphosate. Every mainstream media news source has sold out humanity to pure evil. Nearly the entire western media has been infiltrated and corrupted by Monsanto. The March Against Monsanto exploded across the planet today as protesters took to the streets in 38 countries and 428 cities to protest the world's most evil corporation: Monsanto, a corporation whose business model depends on poisoning the citizens of the planet, destroying the agricultural ecosystem, monopolizing the seed supply and hiring online character assassins to attack anyone who opposes its agenda. –  NaturalNews.com 5/24/15


Sadly, our regulatory agencies under the sway of the agrochemical industry have enabled this tragic and continuing environmental destruction. We believe our food supply is safe, that it have been inspected and tested so it will not harm us. The FDA approves about 80% of our food supply. What I have learned however is the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is basically a rubber stamp for the food industry and especially for the chemical industry. Companies are not required to submit information on GE foods for FDA approval. “The National Resources Defense Council (CenterForPublicIntegrity.org) estimates there are 1,000 additives in our food that have never received FDA approval” (see FoodBabe.com 4/24/15).


“The experiments simply haven't been done and we now have become the guinea pigs … Anyone that says, 'Oh, we know that this is perfectly safe,' I say is either unbelievably stupid or deliberately lying." - Famed Canadian geneticist David Suzuki


GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms, also known as Genetically Engineered – GE’s) were introduced in the 1990’s. Countries in Europe said there had been no tests to prove they were safe and so they banned them. In the US, we said there had been no tests proving they were harmful, so we allowed them to be inserted in our food. Since then we have experienced a large increase in health problems including Autism, allergic reactions to food, many forms of cancer and other diseases. Today 41% of all Americans are expected to develop cancer at some point in their life.


The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called on "Physicians to educate their patients, the medical community, and the public to avoid GM (genetically modified) foods … Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food" including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. – “Doctors Warn Avoid Genetically Modified Food” ResponsibleTechnology.org.


*Books with more info: “The Unhealthy Truth” by Robyn O’Brien (note the above info with page #’s are from her book); “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth” by Steven Druker; “Shedding Light on Genetically Engineered Food” by Beth Harrison. Websites for more info: GMWatch.org, NaturalNews.com, ResponsibleTechnology.org, RobynOBrien.com, FoodBabe.com